古宅老友记 第四季

古宅老友记 第四季

豆瓣评分: 8.8

又名:鬼屋欢乐送 / 同一屋檐吓





主演:夏洛特·里奇 / 基尔·史密斯·拜诺 / 洛利·阿德福普 / 马修·贝恩顿 / 西蒙·法纳比


古宅老友记 第四季剧情简介:

  Mike and Alison welcome the first guests to their new bijoux B&B, determined to get a glowing review, whatever the cost.
  Mary reveals she has never had a holiday, so Pat teaches her the joys and pitfalls of a week on the Costa Del Sol. The Plaguers have taken to idolising Thomas, since spotting Alison’s fetching portrait of him in the basement. Thomas naturally assumes their obsession stems from a love of his poetry - much to the annoyance of the Captain, who challenges them to endure a recital.

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